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can anyone help me Where is cheat menu

in your bedroom the plate looking thing i believe or under your table can't recall click in some spots should appear


where can i play this?

Can update training slayer on porn gamers please.

not to be anoying but im wondering when you think that the update can come out


On next wednesday, I am going to post a new update.

Sorry about that but, last week I wasn't able to develop a new update to the game, I had some hard tests on collage and I didn't had time to work, again, my bad.

(2 edits)

its ok, your health and own life is more important than a game :D. just remember that and keep by that please, i dont want people to get hurt by wanting to make a game for others 

its also not your bad :D, also i hope that you get good grades :D.

its ok

And training slayer on porn

Questions to BokunDev: 

Are you the only one working on this game or is someone helping you? 

Can you make the disclaimers bigger? Because there are morons who do not really read the disclaimer and then say that "This character is not an adult, this is not allowed" and so on. 

When is a Konosuba game like these two? 

And the last question: 

Will you add Easter eggs with different names at the beginning of all games? (Well, this is not necessary, just curious)

- Yep, I am alone developing both games

- If they does not want to read, make it bigger would make it worst, just ignore this messages

- Idk, I like Konosuba but for now 2 games is my limit

- What do you mean? Like Attack on Sluts, Demon Sluts? Idk 😅

(1 edit)

Well, I'm talking about how you call yourself at the beginning of the game, like if you call yourself Bokun, then there will be some kind of Easter egg or, for example, calling yourself Joseph in Training Demons is also more than an Easter egg on Attack on Sluts, you can also call yourself Akio in Attack on Sluts to get an easter egg on Training Demons. 

These games are not bad. As I understand it, you will stop making these two games as soon as you add all the characters and add all your ideas? 

You should find a team from your patrons, I'm sure there are people among them who know programming languages well and are very creative people.

Well, thanks for such great games, I played for the first time without using the "Sex" or "Special Favors" button (I don't remember the name of this button in Attack on Sluts) because I simply didn't need it, but I liked the game itself . Add more non-18+ content to these games, because this is not bad either.

Yes, I used the "Sex" and "Special Favors" functions of course, but only on the second save. I liked these scenes, but I also liked the character leveling system, so I don’t know which is better, interesting or vulgar, I like both, and it’s up to you, Senor BokunDev!

demon sluts


Yo can you make the Other options Available On Android?

On v0.18 the following ones does not have an Image:

mikasa gym thigh
mikasa cosplay_1 thigh
sasha gym thigh
annie gym thigh
annie cosplay_1 thigh
hange gym thigh
hange cosplay_1 thigh
hange cosplay_1 under

And when you grope Annie in her swimsuit, she has her top of and when you say, she should take it off, she has it afterwards on.

I will try to fix it, thanks for sharing it

can you please update training slayer please for porn gamers please anybody is waiting for days


Can you add scene clothes s*x and sleeping s*x ?

When are the public options available? 


Is there going to be a titan feature





Yoooo is game done?


just downloaded how many hours of play time is there roughly?

20 minutes..

This got me dead lmfaooo

Can you make a Chrome Os version because we cannot use the other versions with the Chrome book if so thank you very much I dream of playing this game !!!!

apk should work with chrome os...







Will the brown haired ymir be here?

When do they add the Spanish language?

Where are the cheats?


When are you adding the rest of the girls? The more the merrier.

Idk, I want to add Pieck and Hitch soon. Maybe on 2 or 3 updates 👍🏻

Quando lança aproxima atualização


Na próxima quarta 👍🏻

Should I add Titan shifter

Mano, você já colocou traduzido, coloca em pt br ai, mano. Eu baixei mas quando fui jogar não tinha português, e como eu não sei muito inglês eu acabei desinstalando. Coloca em pt ai.

é mt difícil traduzir um jogo que está smp atualizando, por isso não existe uma versão oficial em pt. Mas quando eu terminar eu vou traduzir 100%

Hey can you please make so when you go to the girls doorms when you take there shorts, underwear,pants and opening legs can you make so they can end up waking up and depending on there lust and love you can fu*k them or the they get mad at you can you please do that😊👍

Sure, nice idea. I will try to add something like this soon 🤙🏻 thanks for the suggestion

Yessssssssssssss Thank you soooo much 😊😊👍👍👍

please add sex scenes

I tried to play your game on my linux machine but I got this error when I execute it:

X Error of failed request:  BadLength (poly request too large or internal Xlib length error)

  Major opcode of failed request:  18 (X_ChangeProperty)

  Serial number of failed request:  244

  Current serial number in output stream:  244

It worked before but stopped since version 0.7. Also tried on another linux machine but still get this error.

I will try to fix it, thanks for reporting it


Maybe add historia and ymir, and make historia a shy and submissive character, and ymir a more dominant one?


Amazing idea 👌🏻

(1 edit)

BokunDev vai ter atualização para esse jogo, gostei bastante e ficaria feliz se tivesse atualizações e novidades dele, não so eu mas todos que jogam e apoiam seus jogos, eu fiquei bem satisfeito com os dois jogos. Por favor se puder manda atualizações novas, Dou nota 10/10 nos dois jogos, parabéns mano

Vlw irmao, e sim, vai ter mais atualizações, nas quartas a cada 2 semanas, hj sai update alias

(1 edit) (+1)

Will you be adding scenes of the girls flexing their abs? as shown in one of the game images as a thumbnail on this page

Edit: entiendes español?


Maybe on the future I add a scene, and Yes, Yo hablo español soy brasileño 😄

(1 edit)

nem fudendo que tu é br

Ta bom ué, mas eu sou

q daora man, nunca vi um br fazendo jogos do tipo

Planeja adicionar uma cena com pés com a mikasa?


(1 edit)

É raro ver um brasileiro neste ramo de negócios kk... vou baixar o jogo em nome de nossa pátria Fuzil...

Infelizmente não posso pagar pela versão mais recente... mas se eu pudesse já teria...

Tmj poh, só de jogar ajuda mt

how do I fuck

No way yet, the author hasn't done it yet


i bought the v0.6 does that mean i would hv to pay 9.90 now to get the v.07 ? 

If you bought the v0.6 you will be able to download all the newer versions 🤙🏻

Deleted 299 days ago

Thanks <

So when will it be free and when will we get proper sex scene

Sex scenes will take some time, but on next week I will update it again 👍

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